The Movement Center presents
Devotees' Stories
In South Kanara
One morning on a busy road near a village that some say was Panambur, the Master strode along at his usual rapid pace. Coming upon a pregnant woman, he stopped suddenly and squeezed her breasts. The woman did not resist but when outraged people began rushing toward him, Nityananda continued walking. He quickly outdistanced them, shouting that this time the child would live. The woman hurriedly told onlookers that her three previous children had died after their first breast feeding. Shortly thereafter, her baby was born and survived. A village delegation was organized to thank Nityananda, and the story spread.
This time Nityananda’s unconventional behavior became clarified after the fact, but it was not always the case. Another story says he came to the Pavanje River during the monsoon season. When the boatman refused to ferry him, the Master simply walked across. When in 1953 someone asked him to explain the river incident, he said:
True, the Pavanje River was in flood when this one walked across and the boatman would not venture out. But there was no motive—it was just the mood of the moment. The only meaning was that the boatman was deprived of his half anna.
One must live in the world like common men. Once established in infinite consciousness, one becomes silent and, knowing all, goes about as if knowing nothing. Although he may be doing many things in several places, he outwardly appears as if he is simply a witness of life—like a spectator at the cinema. He is unaffected by events, whether pleasant or unpleasant. The ability to forget everything and remain detached is the highest state possible.